Online Therapy Services

Online Therapy Services

The effects of online therapy and eHealth outlasted the results of face-to-face psychotherapy delivering the same satisfaction and an efficient way to provide therapy for children and adults.

With our experience we provide different Online Therapy Services, specifically for psychological and neuropsychological assessment and therapy purpose for adults and for children.

Online sessions 

We provide psychological sessions delivering CBT and EMDR treatments also via the secure platform Telehealth.

Neuropsychological online training programs in different languages

We provide Neuropsychological online training programs in different languages:

    • English,
    • Italian,
    • Spanish,
    • French,
    • Polish,

  • Dutch

Online Cognitive stimulation and training for children

We do provide online cognitive stimulation training for Children:

    • ADHD
    • Dyscalculia
    • Dyslexia
    • Insomnia

  • Personalized training
Online CBT Therapy for anxiety 

Online Psychological Therapy CBT program for Anxiety: 12-module online program for use with children suffering from anxiety. The computer program provides cognitive behavioral therapy techniques (based on the Coping Cat treatment) for 7 to 13 year old children and teens struggling with anxiety and stress. The therapist is always present during online sessions.

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Online Cognitive stimulation and training for adults

  1. We do provide online cognitive stimulation training for Adults:
  • Active aging
  • ADHD
  • Arithmetic
  • Chemo Brain
  • Concentration
  • Coordination
  • Depression
  • Driving
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyslexia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia
  • Memory
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Perception
  • Reasoning
  • Stroke
  1. We do assess different cognitive skills with our Neuropsychological Assessment Batteries:
    • General Cognitive Assessment (CAB)
    • ADHD Cognitive Assessment
    • Chemo Brain and Chemo Fog Cognitive Assessment
    • Depression Cognitive Assessment
    • Driving Cognitive Asssessment
    • Dyscalculia Cognitive Assessment
    • Dyslexia Cognitive Assessment
    • Fibromyalgia Cognitive Assessment
    • Insomnia Cognitive Assessment
    • Parkinson’s Cognitive Assessment

  • S-CAB Academic Cognitive Assessment

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eHealth Programs

We do offer online programs consisting of several steps in which the client starts working with his or her request for help. This is done with the help of accompanying videos, assignments, practical examples and extra information on a subject.

The programmes we offer are developed by a team of specialist e-Health developers who work together with experts and experience experts.

  • Depression
  • First steps to recovery
  • Loneliness
  • Mindfulness
  • Stressless

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Depression - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In this program, someone gets to work on reducing depressive symptoms. This is done by means of cognitive behavioural therapy.

The program starts with a short explanation about depression. Then someone can fill in a questionnaire to determine the severity of the symptoms. Then someone sets goals that he or she wants to work on while following the programme. Then the development of depression, from vulnerability in the genes to stress and the environment, is discussed in more detail.

The next steps focus on regaining satisfaction with the help of an activity diary, determining activities someone used to like and making a schedule. A person also learns how to direct his or her attention with the help of mindfulness. After this, the depressive thoughts are discussed and someone draws up a thought plan. They are asked to challenge these thoughts and to draw up alternative thoughts.

At the end of the program someone can score to what extent the goals have been achieved and can set new goals for the future. The programme ends with the questionnaire to see the progress and to draw up a relapse plan.

For whom is this program suitable?

This program is intended for adults with mild to moderate depression or depressive complaints. Someone should be able to sit at the computer with some regularity. The program is not suitable for people with suicidal or psychotic complaints.

Topics that are covered:

  • Questionnaire to visualise complaints
  • Goals
  • Positivity
  • The onset of depression
  • Activity diary
  • Fun activities
  • Make a planning
  • Take care of yourself
  • Relaxation
  • Negative thoughts
  • One situation, two thoughts
  • Memory plan
  • Challenging and Changing Thoughts
  • Redundancy plan

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First steps to recovery 

The programme is divided into five different parts: relaxing, dealing with emotions, doing something again, sleeping better and worrying less. These components are discussed because information and tips can help with many different complaints or disorders.

Someone can choose which components apply to him or her. Someone can choose to follow one part or go through everything. Each part contains psycho-education and assignments. For each part there is also a more extensive programme available within Therapieland. Reference is made to this at the end of the programme.

For whom is this programme suitable?

This programme can be used for adults who are on the waiting list, who are just starting their treatment or who have various complaints, but do not yet know exactly what they want to focus on. With the help of the program someone can already take a first step.

Topics that are covered:

    • Relax
    • Dealing with emotions
    • Going to do something again
    • Sleep better
    • Less brooding

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The programme focuses on different topics. It starts with explanations about stress and relaxation. Then it's about load capacity. Someone then investigates their own load capacity and learns strategies to make better use of time. After that someone starts working with an energetic day structure and moderate intensive exercise. Then the subject of relaxation and media use will be discussed. Someone then gets to work with his or her phone use and learns about the importance of doing nothing and other relaxation. Finally, nutrition and sleep will be discussed. Finally, all these different topics are brought together in a large lifestyle plan. Throughout the whole program, various relaxation exercises are discussed that can be practiced.

For whom is this program suitable?

This programme has been developed for adults with stress, anxiety or somberness problems who therefore benefit from lifestyle interventions.

Topics covered:

  • What is stress?
  • Goals
  • Weekly registration
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Tax and taxability
  • Strategies in dealing with time
  • Daily structure
  • Healthy exercise
  • Always want to be accessible
  • Relaxation plan
  • Food
  • Sleep
  • Lifestyle plan

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This programme is aimed at reducing loneliness. The programme starts with information about loneliness. It explains what loneliness is and how many people in the Netherlands feel lonely. Someone learns about the differences between social and emotional loneliness. Attention is also paid to the vicious circle that loneliness can cause, making someone feel lonely.

From session three onwards, someone starts actively working to reduce the feeling of loneliness. With the help of cognitive behavioural therapeutic techniques, a person gains insight into and a grip on his own negative social thoughts. This prepares someone to make contact in the next session. Finally, in the last session someone charts his or her own progress. Someone is encouraged to continue making contact, to develop a sense of connection and to consult the programme again if necessary.

For whom is this program suitable?

Young adults, adults and the elderly with feelings of loneliness who want to work on this.

Topics that will be covered:

  • What is loneliness?
  • Questionnaire about how lonely someone feels
  • Goals
  • Social loneliness
  • Emotional loneliness
  • A vicious circle
  • Attention
  • Thoughts, feelings and behaviour
  • Have a chat
  • Making contact
  • Connectedness
  • Explore interests

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The programme is divided into six sessions. It is advised to go through one session each week. First, the autopilot is discussed. Then the program will focus on breathing, thoughts, feelings, sounds and attention for yourself. Each session is accompanied with information, meditations and exercises for daily life. At the final step, the client will find all the meditations in a row.

For whom is this program suitable?

This program is meant for adults who want to be more mindful in life. The underlying problems may vary. This program can be followed independently.

Topics that will be discussed:

  • What is mindfulness?
  • Autopilot
  • The seven basic attitudes
  • Breathing
  • Thoughts
  • Feelings, including acceptance and letting be
  • Sounds
  • Attention for yourself

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In this program, someone will start mapping and reducing stress. The programme starts with psycho-education about stress. After that someone can fill in a questionnaire that shows the degree of stress. Attention is then paid to positivity and the causes of stress. When this is finished someone can make a choice between four different areas to tackle the factors and complaints: care for yourself, social environment, pressure management and learning to relax. All four sessions can be gone through, but one or more sessions can also be chosen.

For whom is this programme suitable?

This programme is intended for adults with stress complaints. This programme can be used preventively to prevent the complaints from getting worse. In addition, this programme could also be offered as a supplement to other treatments.

Topics that will be discussed:

  • What is stress?
  • Questionnaire
  • Goals
  • Stress-causers
  • Taking care of yourself; with attention to consequences for your body, nutrition, exercise and sleep
  • Stress and your environment; paying attention to interaction between you and your environment, time for your environment, asking for help and saying no
  • Pressure management; paying attention to what gives energy, learning to plan and prioritize
  • Relaxation; with attention to relaxation exercises, mindfulness, nothingness and acceptance

Some advantages of the program

    • Gives insight into one's own stress
    • Practical tips and tools to reduce stress
    • Insightful assignments

  • Contains relaxation exercises and mindfulness exercises as an audio clip


Feel free to contact me for an intake online session.

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